
Monday, March 5, 2012

So far...

It is day two of my diet, 10:20am and I'm thankful.
My mum decided to join me so yesterday, in the morning we went on our brisk 20minute walk, came back home and made our prescribed foods, and started drinking tea, now if you know me you already know I love tea, but since I moved to Nigeria my drinking of tea has reduced. I'm glad to say it is back up. No sugar though. Plain tea with non fat milk or just plain tea. I'm enjoying it.

Yesterday was a test in discipline as I made dinner for the partner. I didn't even taste it. As I served his plate I thought, I wonder when we'll eat together again? Thankfully he is very supportive and didn't taunt me with his food lol. I'm on the attack phase of the Dukan diet and it's really specific and restricted, it will last for a week and then the new phase will kick in. Can't wait!

I'm glad to say it's not been too hard, maybe it's too early to speak but hey, my will power is still going strong. This morning went on my brisk walk at 6:00am with mum, will power still going strong, got dressed and filled a thermos flask with my tea, and a thermos mug with some more tea. Packed my lunch and headed to work. It's going to be a good day.

I'm so glad my mum is doing this with me ^_^ her and the partner are awesome! My support group :)
Thinking of doing weekly weigh-ins... should I bother? might be a good way to keep myself accountable? let me know in the comments please!

Just a quick update!!
have a great day, Love,


  1. I think weekly weigh ins might dissapoint. Weigh yourself at the beginning then at the end of the diet so you're focused on being helthy and not on losing weight :)

    1. Good advice! I don't want to get too wrapped in the diet and lose focus on what's important

  2. I agree...weekly weigh ins might be a downer when u don't see what u want to. I think for now u shd just focus on doing the right things and that inner joy that comes from knowing you're doing the right thing...knw what I mean? Like how even jst after 2 days u feel so excited to blog about the little changes uve made. Enjoy those lil' milestones for now. And after this first phase ur next goal could then be I want to lose X pounds...but for now just work on making a habit of the good things - walks, tea, healthy diet. Cos like u said the challenge isn't in "losing the weight" its in disciplining urself to adopt a healthy lifestyle, once you do that, everything else will fall in place.

    1. Thank you! your comments always warm my heart! I appreciate the advice! :)


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Love, Sabirah.

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