
Showing posts with label update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label update. Show all posts

Friday, June 1, 2012

31 day reset - Day 16

So Day 16 was a day of rest and reflection. Remember how I had planned to do Day 15? Well that was a fail because my body decided to turn on me. I had the Godfather of cramps yesterday and between crying in agony and puking out the entire contents of my stomach (green bile inclusive) [sorry for the graphic visuals]. Isn't it lovely being a woman?
I was basically in a semi-conscious state. I spent my whole day in bed and I actually succeeded in not using the internet until the end of the day when I was finally awake, tired and not sleepy.
I watched a movie. "A room with a view" I enjoyed it.
I guess it wasn't a complete fail, just that I didn't get to do any of the cleaning I had hoped to.

Ah well. health first.
I feel much better today, minimal pain.

Lets see what Day 17 has in store!


Monday, March 5, 2012

So far...

It is day two of my diet, 10:20am and I'm thankful.
My mum decided to join me so yesterday, in the morning we went on our brisk 20minute walk, came back home and made our prescribed foods, and started drinking tea, now if you know me you already know I love tea, but since I moved to Nigeria my drinking of tea has reduced. I'm glad to say it is back up. No sugar though. Plain tea with non fat milk or just plain tea. I'm enjoying it.

Yesterday was a test in discipline as I made dinner for the partner. I didn't even taste it. As I served his plate I thought, I wonder when we'll eat together again? Thankfully he is very supportive and didn't taunt me with his food lol. I'm on the attack phase of the Dukan diet and it's really specific and restricted, it will last for a week and then the new phase will kick in. Can't wait!

I'm glad to say it's not been too hard, maybe it's too early to speak but hey, my will power is still going strong. This morning went on my brisk walk at 6:00am with mum, will power still going strong, got dressed and filled a thermos flask with my tea, and a thermos mug with some more tea. Packed my lunch and headed to work. It's going to be a good day.

I'm so glad my mum is doing this with me ^_^ her and the partner are awesome! My support group :)
Thinking of doing weekly weigh-ins... should I bother? might be a good way to keep myself accountable? let me know in the comments please!

Just a quick update!!
have a great day, Love,

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hallo Hallo

Hello whoever is here,

Been a bit, between my internet subscription going off, life and all the funzies Labella was ignored for a bit. All is well in shangri-la-la-land let me do some quick bullet updates and after that we'll get back to regular posting. I always miss this space, my happy place.

  • I went to visit my Grandparents last week Thursday and it was soo needed, I felt like I needed to be reminded of what really matters and nestle myself into my grandma's embrace, and just be surrounded by Love, I'm so happy and thankful that they are well, healthy and strong. And the prayers! priceless.
  • Valentines day came and went. It was a lovely day, I went to work as usual, came home and made some yummy brown butter potatoes and chicken cacciatore. The partner and I had a very quiet candle lit dinner with soft music and lots of wine. I felt really thankful for us and just enjoyed the moment. 
  • Went to a party on Saturday, an owambe and I had fun with my sister-friends it was just nice to hang out with them now that we're "grown" it's different but still the same. God bless our friendship

I have to go make dinner for the partner, more updates soon

Sunday, January 22, 2012

This Teaching thing...

Happy Sunday everyone!

Hope you've had a great weekend! I had a really fun time this weekend, I went to a live recording of Nigerian Idol to support my friend Diwari, PLS SEND 526 to 33680 if you're in Nigeria, she's really good! voting closes on Wednesday. Thank you :)

I also went to a birthday party my sister-friend/better half/best-friend threw for her boyfriend, spent most of the day helping her in the kitchen and getting ready (i'll probably do a post if I can get the photos) met some amazing people and had a great time. The partner and I have the perfect "we came together but we can mingle too" thing going on. It was such a big success! Well done Khaf!

So now to the actual post, Lots of people have asked how I got into teaching, what it's been like etc so hopefully I can answer all those questions here.

I've kinda always known that at some point in my life I would teach, at first, when I was on my PhD track, it was higher education that I was interested in teaching but I didn't know it would be so soon. When I made the decision to come back to Nigeria after college I knew that I didn't want to work in a bank or anything like that. I thought about my experiences, my strengths and how I could give back and of course teaching came up again. Being a teacher is such a creative environment which is exactly the type I thrive in.

I remember the first month of my arrival in Lagos I told everyone upon meeting them "Hey I want to be a teacher, if you know someone hiring let me know" It was my opening sentence to every interaction. Sure enough it paid off, about three different people contacted me about different opportunities. Since I
 hadn't started my NYSC, I decided it would be best if I just volunteered for a bit. At least to see if I would enjoy it as much as I thought I would.

Thankful for my friend Ore who told me about Maroko high school and how they desperately needed some help with their SS3 class who were very far behind. Their exams were coming up and their teachers were over worked and spread thin. I really didn't understand the gravity of the situation till I took my first set of essays. I was almost discouraged, but I graded slowly and carefully leaving half a page worth of comments for each one.

It was worth it! My students are very eager to learn, sometimes restless and rowdy like teenagers can be but still eager to learn, show off their knowledge and then acquire some more. I haven't really had any disciplinary issues save for the boys in the back, all I had to do was split them up and then have a one-on-one meeting with them later. Maybe because my students are in SS3 they are more mature or maybe they just appreciate my being there but they are generally well behaved.

I haven't had any drama with the other teachers since i'm not full on staff, apart from an awkward moment when there was a teacher in the class during my period. Teaching is exhausting, physically and mentally. From preparing my lesson plan, to speaking loudly to a class of 75 students, to standing for hours in a room without a fan. But it is oh-so-rewarding, I really can't explain the feeling, when my students correct their own mistakes and see their improvement. It's all the payment I need.

Unfortunately my student's pride in themselves won't pay the bills so I had to start looking for a more permanent teaching job that actually pays. By word of mouth again I got called (thanks Khaf!). I had an interview at a private school last week Thursday, it went great and on Tuesday I'm going to sit in on a couple of classes. I'm excited! Wish me luck.

If you're interested in teaching in Nigeria, and you have time to volunteer I'll suggest going to a public school in your area and talking to the principal, they would be more than happy to have you! So that's it on my teaching experience so far, my long term goal is to go into education policy, but I need to know the system before I can fix it. I can't wait to see where this will take me.

Have a great week ahead!
Love, Sab.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Feeling much better

This is not a diary... or maybe it is
I'm feeling much better, I have so many things I want to post but I need my camera, here is to praying it turns up soon!! (or God sends me a much better one :D)
Have an amazing weekend