
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Miss Sabirah!

Friday was the last day of the school year and phew, what an experience! I started this job in January, doe-eyed, expectant, scared but also very excited. It wasn't my first teaching position, but first "real" one in many ways. I wasn't volunteering, it was (is) a full time position, and I was in charge of one class. My own class, my own kids, my rules. It was scary- no thrilling is the word.
It started off bumpy, it almost felt like the children were deliberately testing me and I lost it a couple of times. But over time we built trust and established our relationships; Teacher-mom(this one always freaks me out, been called mommy by accident a couple of times)-sister- and most importantly friend.

My students became some of my strongest allies while I was still navigating the school and getting my bearings. You find friends in the unlikeliest places...

Boy did I learn a lot these past six months!  Re-evaluated my choices a few times, but as each day went by I became more confident. I realized that it's one thing to enjoy something and another to be good at it. I am a good teacher and I'm on my way to being an excellent one. I'm really grateful to have been put under the watch of the best mentor ever. She is, and was everything and I'm really going to miss her next year. 

In September I will be starting with a new class, I got the graduating class again and I can only say cheers to the next school year, I look forward to and even better one, and more opportunities for growth in this journey!

Here's to my vacation! :D

As always,


  1. Awww teacher Sabs congrats again.

  2. Cheers to you Sab! :) Enjoy your vacation!

  3. Nice one, I know the feeling. Its well with you dear.

  4. Awwww. So excited for you! Congrats dear!

  5. Well done, Miss Sabirah! And good luck in the new session.


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Love, Sabirah.

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