
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thursday Tidbits

  1. I had an awesome day crafting with my friend! Made a pretty card, I'll post the photo after the owner receives it. I was so in the zone painting (I love watercolor) that I didn't realize it was late already!
  2. My friend invited me to go and see "The Dark knight rises" midnight showing tonight, I declined. during the last one I saw 4 years ago I took a nice 15minute nap in the middle, apparently I didnt miss too much, some people died. meh.
  3. So yesterday my co-worker gave me a  vegan chocolate chip cookie, it was delicious, I mean I ate half of it before realizing it tasted like sand... with chocolate chips.
  4. The above revelation shows that I cheated a bit... I mean it was a gift, she even wrapped it nicely.
  5.  I've been starved of any sweets for so long I no longer have a discerning palette.
  6. I've been craving bread like crazy lately! Good San Franciscan sour dough or a sweet honey tinged multi-grain. sigh. 
  7. Still no rice cravings since 19gogoro. Very interesting for something I ate so often.
  8. I have been rocking my hair in sooo many different styles! just loving the versatility! Summer is for BIG hair! (I'll try to get some photos)
  9. Since I'm confessing to stuff I also had chocolate today. It was delicious.
Have an awesome weekend good people!
Love always,


  1. I have to give you some of my vegan chocolate chip cookies someday :]

  2. Lol! For some reason, this was funny. Mehn you've been on this diet for so long I envy you. Wish I could be that disciplined. I stopped mine after I dropped some pounds, even though I hadn't gotten to my desired weight. *sigh*Will resume after the birthday, promise.
    You do a lot of DIY stuff, that must be fun. Have an awesome week.


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