
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

31 Day reset- Recap!

So it's been about a week since I finished the Reset challenge and I just wanted to do a recap on all I did and learned. But first let me shout out my fellow reset challenge members. Thanks @NerdyChique for telling me about this, Kovie parker, Valerie and Tobi also joined and it was nice to have your support through the challenge. Go Ladies!!

I started the challenge very excited, I ended up using my regular journal for the entries and not the blue prayer book as I had planned. I also added Seal's "Love's Divine" to my theme songs!
I went back to the first "real" post "Day 3-  the "love letter to my future self". It made me smile so much to read it, out of all the things I set out to accomplish, I have done or I'm on my way to completing most of them. It's funny how I wasn't consciously trying to do them because of the challenge... I guess when you bring something to your awareness and what it means to you, the universe aligns with your plans as "M" says :). I inquired about the sewing class, I pushed past my weight stall, I've been making more use of my creative energy through different means e.g. lately I've been teaching myself how to use Photoshop, it's been a lot of information but it's fun, I made the above graphic in Photoshop nothing fancy just used it to practice text tools. So yeah I'm happy with all my accomplishments big and small :).

Some of my favorite posts were "Day 6 - personal mission statement " I need to print and display that somewhere in my room. I also looooved "Day 12 - Ideal life narrative" It made me giddy with excitement. I don't need to tell anyone how much fun I had doing "Day 17- 100 things that make you happy" all you have to do is see how long my list was. I'm happy that my list consists of simple little things, I'm happy that most of my list doesn't require a lot of money.

I didn't enjoy the difficult posts, Day 22 just plain annoyed me and then I started getting bored. It's important to push harder when the going gets tough. I did but bleh. Day 28 I still haven't done. Sigh. Day 30 I did with lots of enthusiasm, I was happy the challenge was coming to an end!

Overall I still encourage anyone who is considering it to take it. I know that I unlocked several things this past month and this is only the beginning. my plan is to re-evaluate in about 3 months and see where I am. Developing and becoming the best version of you is a life-long journey, one you should be comfortable with, enjoy and take seriously :)

Love always,


  1. Loved this series. Love, love the posts you linked to (just seeing them). You are such a bundle of positivity! Love it. Thanks for inspiring me!

    1. Awww thank you!
      you inspire me too! a lot actually.
      and yaay i'm glad you clicked the links, as you can see I got tired towards the

  2. :) thanks for the shout out Sab. I can't express how much I learned during this reset journey. It was worth it!
    P.S I've been refreshing your page for days to see a new You inspire me in so many ways. Thanks love

    1. :D it definitely was!
      I will post more often in the coming weeks, I've been stuck on photoshop but as I get better I hope to post some stuff here!

  3. Sab! I miss you on twitter :(. But I'm happy to have discovered your blog (thank you, Kech) :). The Reset Challenge sounds like what I need to do some deep thinking and self reflection. Do you have a link to the entire challenge?

    1. Heeeeeeey Ife! how are you darling? sigh it just got too much. yaaay on finding my blog! stick around!
      here is the link to the entire challenge

  4. Knock knock, who's there? Nom Nom. We miss you on twitter Sab. Stopped by to check you & your blog. See you are doing good. Adios

    1. Leeeeeeeeekaaaaaan! i really and truly miss you! hope all is well? and you're keeping things cool over on twitter? lol. I'm fine, doing great! thanks so much for checking up on me you are amazing :D

  5. Yes dear, I'm good. We keeping it 100 :D feels good to reach out to you. Will visit here regularly now. Stay good & safe. Regards to the Firm xoxo

  6. This is like a month later but you just inspired me to do the 31 day reset. I definitely need it, and I loved your posts most especially the 100 things. Take care :-)

    1. Yaaaay! glad to hear it! hope you're great!


I love your comments. it's nice to know you read and care, so leave me one and i'll do my best to reply :)

I always want to know who is reading my blog.

Love, Sabirah.

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