
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This Diet thing and other weight loss stories

The other day on twitter, someone tweeted "I love my body" and then I "retweeted" it (this means to quote the person). After I did I wondered if seemed hypocritical? After all, I was on a diet... I had this sudden urge to explain myself but I decided against it. 140 characters is never quite enough,so I'll explain myself here. I love my body. I love it, and this is precisely why I'm on a diet, because I want my body to be healthier and stronger and leaner (lower fat percentage). So this dieting (and exercising) comes from a place of love, to better myself and this body that has served me for over 20 years. I've mentioned that it's part of a lifestyle change, although it's pretty strict right now, I will be carrying a lot of this information into my life forever.

It's always so funny when I tell my friend i'm on a diet and they give me the lecture "Oh I don't believe in diets, just eat right and workout yada yada" I usually explain the top paragraph to them and then add that for the most part I was already doing those things, and that's what you do to maintain weight. If I had been binge-eating fast-food prior to this then that would make a difference but I wasn't so yeah.

OK does the above qualify as a rant? I'm sorry if it did, just needed to get that out. As far as progress I'm doing great! It's weird to see my body changing slowly. eg
1) I no longer have a triple chin. No i'm serious I had one -when I pressed my face into my neck, does that count?- When I do it now I only have two and when my face is normal, just one pointy chin. I'm being silly. I have just one chin and a leaner face
2) Boobs. No. Change. At. All. In fact, they grew bigger, notice I didn't say "appear" bigger. I am sure that they grew because I need new bras. Sigh. woe is me. I kid, I love le boobies!
3) I no longer have a butt. I knew this day would come but it's so hard, I shall be dropping squats everyday to build my gluteus maximus. I'm exaggerating, I still have a medium small butt. *drops 25 squats*  (do they work?)
4)Everything else looks good, the love handles are going, they shall be missed! Yhe stomach shall not be missed! hello abs!

Do you have a weightloss story? are you trying to get in shape?
Tell me about your healthy(or not) lifestyle! I want to know!



  1. i'm happy for you, been following your diet there a way i can get the diet thing too? thanks.

    1. Hi Tobi, sorry for the late reply. you can email me @ lets talk!

  2. Oh i can write a book on my weight loss journey, smh, i am probably the healthiest person i know, i have been working out every weekday for the past 3 years, i eat really healthy and still i am FAT. ok maybe not fat, i feel i am but people always say im not, im definitely overweight, i have lost 45pounds since March 2009, and still i am over weight. i just hit a plateau, so this month i decided to go on a juicing diet
    i am eating just fruits and veggies for the entire month, juicing actually, i put it all in a juicer and drink it, i was inspired by the video " fat sick and nearly dead"
    not sure how much ive lost so far.
    My goal weight is 160, i have almost 20pounds to lose
    we'll see
    Good luck
    and we can encourage each other if you want
    this think no be easy road

    1. Wow! you are juicing the entire month? wow wow wow! i want to hear all about it! you don't tweet anymore how do I reach you?

    2. You can dm me :), id get the email and reply :)

  3. I'm so proud of you :) I'll be cheering you on with the squats. I know those are not easy, but I love them!


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I always want to know who is reading my blog.

Love, Sabirah.

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