February just ran! I mean it was a busy month but I wasn't quite ready for it to be over.
It's been a whirlwind
Teaching isn't easy
I mean I knew that, but this is the real deal, sure I close work early and get long vacations but they are more than deserved. It is draining. Let no one lie to you, it's not the easy way out.
2 weeks ago I fell apart in class, I was frustrated, no one was listening to me and I just flipped. It scared my students for a bit, but guess what? By the next week they were back to the usual. It's hard to be motivated when the people you're trying to help are working against you.
Don't get me wrong; my students are intelligent, creative, funny and honest among other things but they are children and they just want to play. Sometimes they want to learn and I enjoy them, sometimes we play games but they never quite know when to stop. They are children, I am an adult, I can handle this. Repeat 10 times.
It's not easy but I think it's worth it, I think I can not only do it, but I can be great at it. I believe, I just need to be ready to WORK. To do more than is expected, to go above and beyond. It's difficult. But I'm trying.
Meanwhile It's so weird seeing some of the parents of children in the baby class, I mean their mom's are like hot and young and making it. I'm like what about me? they my age range... Everyone's time is different I guess but it makes me wonder how different life can be for people of the same age based on the choices they've made..
Have a great week, make "good" choices
Love always,