
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Committing your day

Hello beautiful ones!!

Hope everyone's week is going well, I had a bit of a difficult evening tonight but I've let it go, I should talk about forgiveness here soon. Anyhooo on to much brighter things, well not really yet... Waaaaah My photoshop trial expired :( I'm so sad, it's been only a day since but I miss it so much.
I did manage to learn quite a bit and I can't wait to continue practicing (hint my birthday is on the third! birthday pressie Idea :)), so much more creativity waiting to be unleashed!

I created this graphic last week and it's part of my daily meditation and prayer which I'm still building. I wrote this piece during the 31 day reset as part of my effort tto connect to my spirituality and just bring God into my consciousness during my daily meditation. I hope this makes sense?

I've found that when I take the time to read this before I start my day I feel much stronger and ready to take on the day. It's a great feeling. Sometimes I do this while laying in bed, sometimes as I walk to the bus and many times just on the bus. Feels great.

What do you ask for when you wake?



  1. I like the simplicity of this prayer. Just being able to say the simple things to Him, not a grand speech, just pure heart talk, for me that's the best gift ever.

  2. I love this Sab. And I'm totally stealing it!

  3. What font is that? Did you download it?

    1. It's called "Jenna Sue" can't remember where I got it but a googe search should help :)

  4. My trial recently just expired too! Considering buying the software gan but mehn my bills this month na die lol

    Love the prayer. I ask for strength, patience and a forgiving heart. Cos these are areas where I need help daily.

    Loadsa hugs to u mama!

  5. this is a really wonderful prayer. i can totally relate. :*


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Love, Sabirah.

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