
Friday, September 21, 2012

No matter how much... acquire, you'll never have enough.

Have you ever been at a point where you coveted something for so long and when the opportunity came to get it, and you did you didn't really feel anything? This is not about my Camera by the way, I am still excited a week later. I've slowly been rebuilding my closet seeing as most of my clothes no longer fit. I was frustrated when I had bills and all to take care of and couldn't buy all these clothes I wanted needed. Even as I bought the essentials I kept thinking oh I can't wait to have money for this, money for that.

The money eventually came, sigh finally (can I say that being an adult sucks and yaay no rent next month!) and I've been buying here and there. Some things I originally wanted and some new stuff. I don't know what I expected to feel... I mean I like having new stuff, it's fun but I'm really disappointed. Really disappointed. Together now... "Really disappointed".

But then again, I know myself much better than this. I got carried away, comparing myself to others or maybe its that devilish thing called instagram i'm kidding  . Material things do not enrich me, they do not fill my soul with joy. I will rock those pair of heels and look fly but when I get home it is the moments of dancing with them off I will remember.
 I really do know myself better; a cup of tea will warm my heart for longer than the next fashion trend.

My quiet moments with my books or speaking with God will bring me long lasting fulfillment that I will never find in an online cart.

So I'm leaving this here as a reminder to myself and to anyone else who might need it, pay attention to what you value, what really enriches you, your soul and make sure those two are close.


  1. Thank you Sab! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much for this. I needed this reminder.

  2. So straight forward and direct.thank u 4 dis reminder!

  3. God bless you over and over for this :)

  4. old are you again? because you speak with so much wealth in wisdom. I feel blessed having found your blog.

    thank you!

  5. Oh my sabirah! how thoroughly you read my mind.
    and then state so implicitly that with plagues me.

    The bane of my existence.
    Clothing. And Fighting with my sister for wearing the clothes.
    Then I realised, these things do not really matter in the grand scheme of things.
    from dust we came. born naked.
    to dust we return.

    Clothes are just a way to eat all our hard earned money.

    God bless you as you remember to bring back my mag! yaaay!

  6. nice one dear. A reminder for everyone :D


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Love, Sabirah.

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