
Friday, December 14, 2012


Gosh considering all the promises I made in my last post... let's just start afresh.

Hi my name is Sabirah, I run this blog, I'm a generally happy person with an interest in maaaany different things, pleased to meet you.

How are you?
I've been well. A lot and nothing has happened in the past 2 weeks.
Let's focus on the happy. My brother is back from school! I love him so much and he drives me crazy at the same time, It's quite amazing! The house is so much more interesting with him. Last night we cozied up on the couch watching revenge (well him watching and me bitching about what a terrible show it is) then he made me indomie noodles -such a good cook- and we giggled till we slept. That's the good life.

Does any one else have spidey senses/sixth sense/third eye ? Mine has been in overdrive whattttt! I'm sensitive to every and anything and my intuition has been on point. Tell me why I decided to ignore my ever so accurate intuition on Tuesday night. As I got ready for an interview, I had the urge to practice cliche interviewer questions like "tell me about yourself" "how much would you like to be paid" etc but then I thought "oh please, that's so old school" no-one has ever asked me that, they don't do it anymore. WRONG. They asked. I froze. (but I still scaled through). Phew! Wish me luck for the last of 3 interviews (with THE BIG DOGS) coming up soon. I'm excited! It's a possible dream job.

I haven't quite caught the Christmas bug, to be honest I never quite catch it, I didn't grow up that way. Nevertheless I'm excited about my friends who are coming home for the holidays all whooping 2 of them! I'm excited for the fun and festivities. There's a Nneka concert I plan on going to (super excited) and I'd like to go to the Bez concert too (but it's quite pricey). I'll also be going to a wedding. I'm so proud of my one wedding a year policy(till all my friends decide to get married around the same time), to be honest I don't see the point of going to a wedding where I'm not close to (or at least know) either the bride or groom.

Today has been awesome, I've been stuffing my face with chocolate cookies, canoodling with the partner, catching up on my shows (Grey's and scandal really) and having the best conversations with my brother and partner (they have such a great relationship it warms my heart, caught them doing math together earlier today :'))
Life is good.
Hmmm what else?
I think that's it.

So what about you? What have you been up to?
Love as always!


  1. Love your blog, love you.... You're the only Nigerian I know who doesn't like to go to weddings if they're not close to either the bride or groom, people just go.

    The Christmas bug died when I moved to New York at 13, these days I just look forward to seeing my niece and nephew, that's Christmas at its greatest for me

  2. NNEKA CONCERT??? What? Where? When?!

    1. here is a link to the poster i saw.

  3. It's just such a joy to see two men you love bond... :)

  4. All the best in your upcoming interviews. And really, life is good. Your blog makes me happy. Cheers. :D

  5. I don't go to weddings where I do not believe in the couples love :| lol. Happy Holiday's Sabirah! You have such a positive vibe, I love it!


I love your comments. it's nice to know you read and care, so leave me one and i'll do my best to reply :)

I always want to know who is reading my blog.

Love, Sabirah.

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